BICOM® Bioresonance

Stress-free for pets and pet owners Suitable for all types of animals

There are many dogs , cats and horses suffering from health problems worldwide.

Be it problems with the musculoskeletal system, allergies and food intolerances or chronic diseases.

Sometimes, as an animal owner, you are at a loss when you can’t get any further with conventional therapy methods.

Like acupuncture or homeopathy, bioresonance belongs to the field of complementary medicine and is intended to be a useful supplement to conventional medicine.

It works with the body’s own wavelength of the four-legged friend, is used without medication and is painless to use.

Of course, not all health problems can be resolved with bioresonance. It is best to talk to a veterinarian or animal naturopath.

With our therapist finder you can find the nearest practice that can offer you BICOM® bioresonance.

Pain-free testing and therapy

Treatment with the BICOM® device is painless and stress-free. Especially sensitive animals feel very comfortable and it often happens that they completely relax and come to rest during the therapy.

Bioresonance has no harmful side effects and is used without medication.

Occasionally, initial aggravations, in what is known as the body’s initial reaction, can occur. However, these fade away after a short time.

What Pet Owners are saying..

BICOM® method explorationHands holding a stethoscope and herbal medicine

Searching for clues with the BICOM® method

May 01, 20242 min read

I had my first experiences with the BICOM® method back in 2000, when I was in frequent contact with an alternative animal practitioner. He was known for his exact test results, which he was able to achieve using the BICOM® device. That’s why I always turned to him when I got stuck with a difficult horse. He then determined the hidden causes of the disease for me and I was then able to diagnose and treat them appropriately. When he died in 2007, the BICOM® method was put on hold for me.

In the meantime, my daughter had trained as a non-medical practitioner. When she told me about a lecture that was to take place in the neighboring community – the topic of bioresonance – I was immediately interested. We attended the lecture together, were enthusiastic and then ordered a BICOM® device!

Cause determination

Initially, I used bioresonance in my practice primarily for diagnostics in the form of comprehensive tests. It quickly became apparent to me that almost all “chronically ill” animals (and these were mostly those in the bioresonance tests) were in a state of latent deficiency and that many diseases were largely based on this. So my focus was first on filling up missing vital substances, keeping away noxae, supporting the excreting organs and only then getting into a possible therapy.

My concept is to always “clean up” the metabolism first. Less than half of my patients then need therapy in the form of bioresonance at all. I have a lot of cases in my practice that have not been treated, which I can actually help if the pet owners cooperate and the appropriate parental leave is observed. There is almost always an improvement in health, and the results can be seen after just two to three weeks.

Skepticism? Success counts!

I often work with clinics and colleagues. Some of these colleagues are skeptical about the bioresonance method, but on the other hand see the good results, since animals respond well to regulatory medical treatments in most cases. It doesn’t have to be questioned whether it works, the successes confirm my approach.

My practice runs entirely on word of mouth. I don’t do any advertising and I’m still very well booked!

Dr medical vet Kristin Hoper

Veterinarian in Heringsdorf. From an early age she was fascinated by horses. So it was clear very early on which profession she would choose. She completed her studies at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Hanover and then opened a driving practice for horses. She has been working with the BICOM® device since 2013.


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Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies to treat imbalances in animals, promoting natural healing without invasive methods. It's gaining popularity among pet owners for its safe and effective approach to enhancing animal well-being

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+44 7859 780776

22 Layton Lane Rawdon Leeds LS19 6RG UK.

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