There are many dogs , cats and horses suffering from health problems worldwide.
Be it problems with the musculoskeletal system, allergies and food intolerances or chronic diseases.
Sometimes, as an animal owner, you are at a loss when you can’t get any further with conventional therapy methods.
Like acupuncture or homeopathy, bioresonance belongs to the field of complementary medicine and is intended to be a useful supplement to conventional medicine.
It works with the body’s own wavelength of the four-legged friend, is used without medication and is painless to use.
Of course, not all health problems can be resolved with bioresonance. It is best to talk to a veterinarian or animal naturopath.
With our therapist finder you can find the nearest practice that can offer you BICOM® bioresonance.
Treatment with the BICOM® device is painless and stress-free. Especially sensitive animals feel very comfortable and it often happens that they completely relax and come to rest during the therapy.
Bioresonance has no harmful side effects and is used without medication.
Occasionally, initial aggravations, in what is known as the body’s initial reaction, can occur. However, these fade away after a short time.
Sugar is used to make a variety of juices, sodas and food choices sweet. It is used throughout the entire world and almost every product you buy at the local supermarket contains some form of sugar. NHS Choices reports that sugar can be present in the form of glucose, sucrose, corn syrup, invert sugar, molasses, honey, fructose and maltose. We also use sugar in sucrose form to sweeten coffee and tea, as well as to bake a wide variety of desserts at home. These carbohydrates provide the body with energy, but while a certain amount of sugar is required by the body for proper energy production, many fail to realise the dangers of too much sugar. Rodale’s Organic Life recently reported that the World Health Organisation has cut the recommended daily sugar allowance for adults to 25 grams per day.
Sugar is an essential part of our daily lives, but it is important to know the risks involved with consuming too much sugar during a single day. A study conducted by Princeton University reports that sugar releases dopamine and opioids in the brain, which can lead to an addiction in the case of excessive sugar intake. The study considered different components commonly associated with addiction, including:
Findings provided evidence that while sugar is an essential part of daily nutrition in order to support energy expenditure, desire for this food substance can be modified in certain people. This results in the development of an unhealthy dependence on sugar, also called a food addiction in this case. The results were more significant in patients with conditions such as obesity.
At the same time, Telegraph reports that the average American citizen buys approximately 170 liters of fizzy, sugary drinks per year. They also report that on average, children in American consumes around 8 ounces of sugary drinks per day. Another alarming figure reported is the fact that more than 80% of processed foods in America now contains added sugar. This even includes products such as soy milk and whole wheat bread. America isn’t the only country taking in too much sugar. In Britain, teens get around 15.6% of their food energy from sugar sources. The recommended amount in reality is 5%, which means they consume three times the recommended daily amount of sugar.
It is a known fact that an excessive amount of sugar can lead to obesity, diabetes and even heart failure. In recent studies, focus has shifted towards the effects of sugar on cancer. It is common knowledge that cancer feeds on sugar, that is why PET scans work, all the radioactive sugar rushes to to the cancer cells and thats why they can see where the cancer is. Insulin resistance have been linked to cancer and a study found that high sugar intake had a negative impact on the survival rate of patients diagnosed with breast and colon cancer. Another study linked excessive sugar intake to the formation of the GIP hormone. This hormone is essentially controlled by a protein that depends on sugar levels in the body. When this action takes place in the body, insulin production by the pancreas increases, which affects the cells research has linked to the formation of cancer.
Cytoplan explains that candida, a yeast that is contained in the gastrointestinal tracts of every human being, can cause sugar cravings. This usually occurs when an excessive amount of sugar is consumed, which causes a candida overgrowth. In turn, the overgrowth requires more sugar to feed on, which creates a craving effect in the individual with the overgrown candida.
"A number of patients have reported a significant reducing in cravings following Candida treatments on the BICOM® machine"
Food intolerances and allergies are known to increase the effect of candida overgrowth or infection in the human body. For this reason, bioresonance therapy is a highly-recommended treatment option that can assist with determining intolerances and allergies. Once these aspects have been detected with the use of a bioresonance therapy device, appropriate programs can be loaded and implemented in order to treat these conditions. This is usually the first step in treating candida infection in patients with excessive sugar cravings. The next step is to properly detox the entire gastrointestinal tracts. With this process, candida infection will be alleviated. Furthermore, the treatment of bioresonance therapy on this situation is usually followed by a balanced diet and a lower sugar intake, which assists with restoring the natural functionality of the candida fungi and the overall wellbeing of the gastrointestinal tracts.
While sugar is used for energy expenditure, an excessive amount can lead to serious complications. Studies have also linked excessive sugar intake with a decreases survival rate in cancer patients, as well as the formation and development of certain cancers. In order to combat these negative effects of sugar, one can opt for a safe and effective treatment option such as bioresonance therapy, combined with a healthy diet. This will assist with cleansing the system, alleviated food intolerances and, ultimately, restoring the candida to a healthy state.
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