There are many dogs , cats and horses suffering from health problems worldwide.
Be it problems with the musculoskeletal system, allergies and food intolerances or chronic diseases.
Sometimes, as an animal owner, you are at a loss when you can’t get any further with conventional therapy methods.
Like acupuncture or homeopathy, bioresonance belongs to the field of complementary medicine and is intended to be a useful supplement to conventional medicine.
It works with the body’s own wavelength of the four-legged friend, is used without medication and is painless to use.
Of course, not all health problems can be resolved with bioresonance. It is best to talk to a veterinarian or animal naturopath.
With our therapist finder you can find the nearest practice that can offer you BICOM® bioresonance.
Treatment with the BICOM® device is painless and stress-free. Especially sensitive animals feel very comfortable and it often happens that they completely relax and come to rest during the therapy.
Bioresonance has no harmful side effects and is used without medication.
Occasionally, initial aggravations, in what is known as the body’s initial reaction, can occur. However, these fade away after a short time.
Intestinal function plays a large part in the allergic process. First of all digestive function: from the oral cavity via the stomach to the small intestines the breaking up, selection and absorption of food stuffs represents the most important task.
Allergy sufferers often display reduced activity of the digestive enzymes, coupled with impaired intestinal mucosal barrier function as well as malfunction of the gut-associated immune system. Large molecules are often not broken down completely and penetrate through the porous intestinal mucous membrane to the lymphatic tissue where an intensified immune response may occur. According to an established theory this is the main cause of the development of food allergies and intolerance. This dysfunction is accompanied by disturbed intestinal flora, i.e. an imperfect mix of micro-organisms.
This explains why an unhealthy diet consisting of a lot of sugar, white flour, colourings and preservatives plays a large part in the development of allergies. Digestive function is disrupted and the immune system weakened by the swapping of the physiological intestinal flora by pathogenic bacteria and fungi . An increase in a number of pathological bacteria and yeast fungi, especially Candida albicans, produce fusel alcohols and other toxins. The patient is often aware of this in the form of increased accumulation of gas with flatulence, intestinal cramps and a regular bowel movements. What he isn't aware of is that the toxins disrupt the immune system, affect the liver and can impair many other bodily functions through the blood and lymph systems.
It is essential that careful analysis using conventional medical methods with laboratory tests, ultrasound and possibly colonoscopy is essential prior to any naturopathic treatments is conducted. It would be a serious failure by therapists to spend considerable time treating what was thought to be a food allergy and possibly overlooking more serious conditions such as colon cancer. Patients should be encouraged to consult a series of conventional medical specialists.
Disrupted intestinal flora, fungal infestations and food intolerances are some of the main causes of many chronic gastrointestinal disorders. In many cases, even chronic inflammatory processes such as those found in Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis can be treated with targeted by Bioresonance diagnosis and therapy. If you are interested in dietary supplementation to help with gut issues we recommend using this company they can test you for nutrient deficiencies and suggest appropriate nutrients.
There are many real life experiences of successful bioresonance treatments as found in the book Bioresonance: a new view of medicine.
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