Author Archives: David Franklin

Understanding and Treating Colic in Horses with Bioresonance Therapy

Colic in Horses on the bicom

Understanding and Treating Colic in Horses with Bioresonance Therapy Colic is a common yet potentially fatal condition in horses that can cause significant distress to both the animal and the owner. In the latest newsletter, we delve into the therapeutic possibilities offered by bioresonance therapy as a complementary treatment to traditional veterinary care. Bioresonance as […]

Sport injuries in horses


Sports injuries crop up again and again in our BICOM practices. They occur in professional sports, but also in recreational riding and are divided into injuries caused by overuse, blunt trauma (e.g. falls), fractures and dislocations as well as sprains (ligament injuries) and overstretching (muscle injuries) Often, over-exertion occurs, in part due to inadequate warm-up, […]